
Block incoming calls. How to extract offline database from Whoscall

Prepare apk and root phone
Download apk of gogolook whoscall from some website like this.

Install apk to a rooted android phone, I recommend samsung i9001.
A little bit old, but great performance running CyanogenMod. Here's how you can root your i9001

Download offline database
Update offline database following instructions in Whocall app, this will create a database named

Under android /data/data//databases/offline.realm

Use Android studio device monitor tools to navigate to above path,
Click the button (top-right) to "pull file from device"
Save it to your Download folder on your laptop, say whoscall_database

.realm is a client-side database that helps you seamless integrate a sqlitedb and scale-up if needed. Realm database help manage db when gets larger.

Download real browser from above site to your Mac laptop

Open Download/whoscall_database/offlinedb.realm

I'm using a Taiwan number so most of the database are numbers in Taiwan.

Looks like when a call comes in, whoscall is using a hash function to calculate from the phonenumber to a hash value and then search from the offline database for a hit. If so, shows a warning triangle on the lock screen. 


Scaled Agile for The Enterprise

最近聽關於專案管理的podcast 很有感覺

當我們從scrum抽取 Agile 概念用於backlog 工作項目以及排序優先順序, 已經某種程度上已經契合 Agile的精神。

但是Business operation management layer 相當於原本PMP當中提到的PMO (Project management Office的角色,管理階層往往希望「每一項功能」在產出方面希望得到日期保證,實際上這是waterfall的精神。



1. 經常溝通或教育PMO認知到為何Agile比較快deliver一些feature到客戶手上、修改對於壓日期的「預期心理」。PMO鎖定策略面就好,缺點是可能因為策略不明導致下一round的Agile process卡輪。

2. CEO直接頒布本公司採用Agile 方法,會比較硬性而且大家需要學習Agile的名詞與方法。

3. 如果研發的throughput 要再scale上去的話、可能需要建立中間整合層的人,有幾種方法學像是leSS, nexus。 不過我還沒有學習過相關的framework以及管理技能, 研究之後再分享。